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principal investigator
Jeanine Amacher
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
2017 - Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California Berkeley
2014 - Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
2007 - B.S. in Physics, University of Oregon
Jeanine grew up in Portland, Oregon before becoming an Oregon Duck at the University of Oregon. Following her undergraduate studies, she was a research technician at Oregon Health & Sciences University before joining the Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) program at Dartmouth for her Ph.D. In Dean Madden's lab at Dartmouth, Jeanine fell in love with protein biochemistry and structural biology, as well as in using PDZ domains to think broadly about how specificity in encoded in protein domain families that recognize short peptide sequences. Following her graduate work, Jeanine moved to California and joined John Kuriyan's lab, where she was a Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research postdoctoral fellow. In the Kuriyan lab, Jeanine studied ubiquitin ligases and tyrosine kinases. The Pacific Northwest was always calling, however, and in 2017, Jeanine and her family moved to Bellingham, WA. When she's not doing science, Jeanine is often running the trails in the Sehome arboretum, teaching spinning at the campus rec center, or finding adventures with her scientist husband and two young boys.

graduate students
Darren Lee (UG '23, MS 2023-). Darren is investigating Class B sortases.
Erich Walkenhauer (MS 2023-). Erich is using NMR (in collaboration with
Dr. Serge Smirnov) to study active site loop flexibility in Class A sortases.

Justin Ibershof (UG 2023, MS 2024-). Justin is working on specificity
determinants in Class A sortases.
undergraduate students
Kate Brown (2023-). Kate is working on the full-length spySrtA enzyme, as well as the chimeric sortase-PDZ project.
Sarah Ernst (2024-). Sarah is working on Class A sortases, investigating positions N-terminal to the catalytic domain.
Amelia Carter (2024-). Amelia is working on full-length spySrtA.


Devin Andaluz (2021-). Devin is investigating extended motifs in Class A sortases. Devin was in the Chemistry REU program in Summer 2023.
Caroline Ceravolo (2023-). Caroline is working on characterizing SH3 chimeras.
Cole Masuga (2022-). Cole is studying binding affinity differences in human versus viral targets of PDZ domains.
Adam Wachsman (2023-). Adam is investigating selectivity determinants in sortases.

Kaia Stover (Summer 2024) - undergraduate at the
University of Oregon
Stephanie Virgen Ordaz, REU student (Summer 2024) -
undergraduate at San Jose State University.
Cole Masuga (20220-24) - subsequently a PhD student at
the University of Buffalo
Elise Tahti (2021-24) - subsequently a PhD student at the
University of Michigan
Katy Lindblom (2022-24) - subsequently at the Whatcom Country
Medical Examiners Office (Bellingham, WA)
Allison Reeb (Summer 2024) - subsequently a MS student at
Western Washington University (Spiegel lab)
Hanna Kodama (2020-23) - subsequently a PhD student in
Biochemistry at Brown University
Kevin Alexander Estrada Alamo (2020-23) - subsequently a
PhD student at UCSF
Frederick Longshore-Neate (2021-23) - subsequently a PhD
student at UC Boulder
Jadon Blount (2021-22; postbac 2022-23) - subsequently at
Tidal Vison (Bellingham, WA)
McKinsey Hill (2021-23) - graduated from WWU in Spring 2023
Justin Ibershof (2022-23) - subsequently a MS student at WWU
Lauren Avery (2021) - graduated from WWU in Spring 2023
Celia Maris (Summer 2021) - undergraduate at Scripps College
Alex Johnson (2019-21) - subsequently a PhD student in
Bioengineering at Caltech
Justin Svendsen (2020-21) - subsequently a PhD student in
Chemistry at the University of Oregon
Melody Gao (2018-21)
Kris Aguayo (2020) - subsequently an ACS BRIDGE MS student in
Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Katherine Johnston (2019-20) - subsequently at Cepheid
(Seattle, WA)
Iain Mackley (2017-20)
Jacob Olson (2019) - graduated from WWU in Spring 2021
Lucy Williams (2019) - graduated from WWU in Spring 2021
Bodi Van Roy (2019) - graduated from WWU in Winter 2021
Nick Pederson (2017-19) - subsequently a Research Technician at the
University of Utah (the Diehl lab)
Jordan Valgardson (2017-19) - subsequently a PhD student in
Computational Biology at Stanford University
Simone Rumph, REU student (Bowdoin College, 2018) - subsequently a
MS student in Forensics Science at Boston University
Chelsea Batten (2018) - graduated from WWU in Spring 2021
Louisa Landolt (2018) - subsequently a PharmD student at the
University of Colorado
Chad Chedelin (2018-19) - graduated from WWU in Spring 2020
Haley Wofford (MS 2019-21) - subsequently at Seagen/Pfizer (Seattle, WA)
Sarah Struyvenberg (UG 2017-18; MS 2019-20) - subsequently
at Lumen Bioscience (Seattle, WA)
Sophie Jackson (MS 2021-23) - subsequently Exact Sciences (Ferndale, WA)
Sarah Smith (MS 2021-23) - subsequently at Seagen/Pfizer (Seattle)
Brandon Vogel (UG 2020-21; MS 2021-23) - subsequently at
Just-Evotec (Seattle, WA)

Top row (from left): Justin, Jeanine, Melody
Middle row (from left): Iain, Kevin Alexander, Katherine
Bottom row (from left): Haley, Alex, Kris
Not pictured: Sarah

Top row (from left): Brandon, Jeanine, Melody, Haley
Middle row (from left): Alex, McKinsey, Sam, Frederick
Bottom row (from left): Justin, Hanna, Kevin Alexander
Not pictured: Elise, Anastasia

FALL 2022: Back row center picture (Cole, Freddie, Brandon, Kevin, Devin, Jadon, Jeanine, Kinsey, Sophie); Front row (Katy, Darren, Sarah, Elise, Hanna)

Cynthia the FPLC (and LEGO)!

Amacher lab 2023 holiday party (thank you for hosting, Kate!)
Right (with partners and kiddos;
Left: (from left-to-right) Adam, Katy, Erich, Cole, Jeanine, Carline, Kate, and Elise

Amacher lab 2023 Spring graduates (minus a few)!

2023 Chemistry REU symposium (including Jeanine and Devin)

Undergrad Justin Svendsen (and friend) kayak in Chuckanut Bay, August 2020.

Sarah and Kevin present at Scholar's Week 2023

Undergrad Alex Johnson flies MS student Sarah Struyvenberg to Orcas Island in the San Juans for lunch, July 2020.
Protein Society 2023 (Boston, MA): Jadon (left) and Elise (center) present posters! Mason (right) is also along for the conference (vender swag)!

Top row (from left): Jeanine, Sarah, Jacob, Jordan
Bottom row (from left): Lucy, Katherine, Melody, Iain, Bodi

Protein Society 2019 (Seattle, WA): Jordan (left), Melody (center), and Sarah (right) present posters!
Lab trip to Bellewood pumpkin patch, October 2020!
Back row: Alex, Justin, Izzi (Antos lab), Melody, and Kevin.
Front row: Jeanine, Mason, Jackson, and Hanna.
Mason and Jackson are budding scientists in the lab!

Left: Sarah is excited that our new pipette tips finally came in (2022)! Middle: Alex, Melody, Johanna, Justin, Izzi, Kevin, Maddie, and Hanna at Boundary Bay (2021)!
Right: Alex, Hanna, Melody, and Kevin doing summer science (2021)!

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